** Please complete all Required Fields. **
Part B - Tenant Particulars
Tenant is a : |
(As it appears on the lease)
(As it appears on the lease)
(if any) |
** Please complete all Required Fields. **
Part C - Particulars of Property the Subject of the Lease
(e.g. Fencing, Drainage, Reseeding, Hedge removal, Liming, etc)
(Barns, Outhouses, etc)
** Please complete all Required Fields. **
Part D - Particulars of Lease Period, Lease Breaks and Reviews
** Please complete all Required Fields. **
Part E - Particulars of Rent and Fitting Out
** Please complete all Required Fields. **
Part F - Other Charges and Costs
I declare that the information given in this return is true and complete in every respect and I fully understand that it is an offence to deliberately furnish inaccurate or misleading information.
It is advisable to print a copy of the completed Commercial Lease Form, for your records, prior to pressing the submit button.
You are not required to post a copy of the completed form to the PSRA.