Residential Property Price Register

LPT Information

For further information in relation to the LPT, contact the Revenue Commissioners at:

The Property Services Regulatory Authority has no role in the calculation or collection of the Local Property Tax (LPT). There are no further particulars (e.g. floor area, number of rooms, etc.) of the properties available.


Information Note

The Residential Property Price Register is produced by the Property Services Regulatory Authority (PSRA) pursuant to section 86 of the Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011. It includes Date of Sale, Price and Address of all residential properties purchased in Ireland since the 1st January 2010, as declared to the Revenue Commissioners for stamp duty purposes.

It is important to note that the Register is not intended as a "Property Price Index".

In a small number of transactions included in the Register the price shown does not represent the full market price of the property concerned for a variety of reasons. All such properties are marked **.

Where a property is part residential and part non-residential (e.g. living quarters over a shop) the Register will only contain information about the residential part.

If the property is a new property, the price shown should be exclusive of VAT at 13.5%.

Where a number of apartments are sold for a single price (e.g. Apartments Nos 1 to 15 Oak Drive are sold for €2m), the information on the Register depends on what was filed with the Revenue Commissioners.

For example, the filer may have input the address of -

  • only one of the apartments (e.g. No. 1 Oak Drive) for a price of €2m;
  • each apartment separately and divided the price between each apartment (e.g. Apartment No. 1 for €133,333, Apartment No.2 for €133,333 and so on to Apartment No. 15 for €133,333.
  • all the apartments (e.g. Nos 1 to 15 Oak Drive) for a price of €2m.
  • The Date of Sale is the date input by the filer of the Stamp Duty Return as the date of the Deed transferring ownership of the property.



The Authority acknowledges that there may be errors in the data in the Register. The Register is compiled from data which is filed, for stamp duty purposes, with the Revenue Commissioners. The data is primarily filed electronically by persons doing the conveyancing of the property on behalf of the purchaser and errors may occur when the data is being filed.

The PSRA does not in any way edit the data. It simply publishes, in a fully transparent manner, the data from the declarations which are filed with the Revenue Commissioners. If the data filed contained typographical errors then those errors will appear on the Register.

In order to correct typographical errors or errors in prices that may appear on the Register, the owner of the property in question, should request that the person who filed the stamp duty return on their behalf, submit an amended stamp duty return, with the correct details, to the Revenue Commissioners.

Where errors other than the above are reported to the Authority, they will be brought to the attention of the Revenue Commissioners. If you notice any apparent errors in the data please let us know by emailing

REGISTER LAST UPDATED - 12/02/2025 17:49:40


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